All in Performance Management

I've found that when I focus on the idea of the work I'm doing - as opposed to the work itself - I don't quite deliver as well as I could.

I get too caught up in the external, on the trappings than on the content. The key, as I discuss in today's episode, is to let that go and focus instead on the content itself. That's what matters.

The success of whatever we do depends, without question, on our people. It's a cliche but it's true.

So it's important when formulating our teams, to make sure we have the the right "ingredients" in place - not only technically but philosophically. The wrong ingredients will ruin the entire dish, which is the topic of today's episode.

This month, I'd like to speak to a few fundamental ideas about how we work and the implications of our behaviors when we work.

In today's episode, I talk about our tendency, as we get older, to focus less on what we do well and more on what we don't. It's a curious thing, because it's our strengths that will drive us forward and, therefore, what we need to build on.

This month's podcast closes out the year with my thoughts on the COVID-19 pandemic that's absorbed all of us this year. I'll share my perspectives on how I've assessed this impact and how I interpret its impact going forward.

Today's podcast take on the idea of Work From Home (WFH) and how it's changed many of our views so significantly this year. That said, I also think the idea that it's here to stay is overrated.

This month's podcasts focus on war stories, recounting situations and experiences that were unique, intriguing and (always) educational.

In today's episode, I share a story from my early days in Management Consulting and specifically about working with a partner who, seemingly, liked to talk in riddles. There was, of course, a method to his madness, as I discuss on the show.

This month, the podcast is focused on talent, specifically what we can and should expect of our people, as well as how we evaluate and manage them.

In today's episode, I close out the month by talking about standards and the little compromises we make to accommodate this or that particular team member. It's far better to raise the bar, set our own standards and bring our people with us.

This month, the podcast is focused on talent, specifically what we can and should expect of our people, as well as how we evaluate and manage them.

In today's episode, I discuss a simple way to assess whether a performance problem is solvable or not, and that is to ask, whether it's a problem of content or values. The answer to that questions indicates whether the relationship is worth working on or not.

This month, the podcast is focused on talent, specifically what we can and should expect of our people, as well as how we evaluate and manage them.

In today's episode, I talk about the difficult decision to let capable people go from your organization. People who've grown with you, contributed significantly, and continue to do their work. But, for reason's I discuss, you simply can't keep them any longer.