All in Leadership

Whenever I go to Karachi, I'm amazed by how the city functions and how people go about their daily lives, especially when so much we take for granted in the west, just doesn't exist in the same way over there.

But, as I discuss in today's episode, people get on with things. They live their lives. Because it isn't just about what's around us and the way things are, it's about our own will.

We tend to think of successful people as alternate beings - people who come to their work with a mindset that is always on, always without doubt. In other words, not like the rest of us mortals.

The truth, in my view, is different. Successsful people are more like the rest of us than we think. There's just one intentional difference, as I discuss in today's episode.

In today's episode, I talk about how we make so many key decisions in our lives, not based on what we want, but on what others will think about them.

From the professional to the personal, we put credence where it doesn't belong, as compensating mechanisms, when really, at the end of the day, it's all down to us. We are responsible - no matter what.