Based in Chicago, Omerisms is a blog by Omer Abdullah. His posts explore Ideas, perspectives and points of view across business, sales, marketing, life and (sometimes) football (the real kind).

Episode 70. I'm Not A Runner (aka Mindset as a Constraint)

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This month kicks off 2021 with a few thoughts on mindset - and specifically getting our heads straight as we look forward to our goals and what we want to get done over the next 12 months.

Today's episode closes out the month with a few thoughts on mindset and how we tend to define standards that, frankly, constrain us more than they help us, especially when we're just starting out. 

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This month kicks off 2021 with a few thoughts on mindset - and specifically getting our heads straight as we look forward to our goals and what we want to get done over the next 12 months.

Episode 71. Hard Work and Balance: Don't Apologize For It

Episode 69. The Myth of Age-Appropriate