Based in Chicago, Omerisms is a blog by Omer Abdullah. His posts explore Ideas, perspectives and points of view across business, sales, marketing, life and (sometimes) football (the real kind).

Episode 17. We Have To Take That Uncomfortable Step

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This month’s podcasts focus - fittingly as we kick off 2020 - on the topic of Aspirations”, or what is it that we want, what these wants involve and what tradeoffs we need to make to get what we want. 

In today’s podcast, I talk about dealing with change when thinking about embarking on a new adventure. There’s a level of discomfort that arises and I’d like to talk about why it’s important for us to take that uncomfortable step forward. 

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This month's podcasts will focus - fittingly as we kick off 2020 - on The topic of Aspirations", or what is it that we want, what these wants involve and what tradeoffs we need to make to get what we want.  In today's podcast, I talk about dealing with change when thinking about embarking on a new adventure.

Episode 18. Don't Join The Herd

Episode 16. How To Decide If It's Worth Doing