All tagged Belief systems

Omerisms Podcast - Episode 163

Structure, rules and constructs can be useful mechanisms and when we're growing up, they're usually unavoidable.

At the same time, they can be both good and bad and, as we grow older, it's worth questioning many of them. Both in terms of what they mean for us but also, as importantly, what they mean for others we live and work with.

What Is Self-Esteem?

I’ve always held to the view that the root cause of poor behavior (towards others) is low self-esteem. That’s always made sense to me: if we don’t have enough self-confidence or belief in ourselves, how can we expect to accept others’ (differing) perspectives - and not react in some way?

Well, Adam Grant posited a somewhat different - perhaps a more nuanced - point of view, based on research published in journals such as Psychological Review.

Doctrines Versus Values

I think the problem begins when we subscribe solely to a specific point of view, a particular doctrine.

This is what I believe in. These are the truths about this or that and they cannot be compromised.

We’ve learnt (been taught/taught ourselves) these doctrines over the years and have chosen to accept them as the path forward - the only path forward. And, we’ve galvanized the ‘opposition’ into a defined doctrine of its own - the other, that against which we must fight, come hell or high water.

Culture As Operating System

Culture, in all its forms, plays such a strong role in our lives that, for the most part, we don’t really even pay attention to it or realize it.

It’s formed through years of experience, understanding and shared experiences. This is the case at home, in our communities, with our friends and with our colleagues at work.

In fact, Trevor Noah once referred to culture as “an operating system that you have, that you didn’t even realize you had”. That captures it perfectly for me.

The Thing About Learning

Bruce Lee’s philosophy when it came to learning was that there was no single best way to learn.

He didn’t prescribe to the idea of fixed patterns and approaches to education, rather he believed that real education is unique to the individual. It comes from absorbing what’s helpful (in your own judgement) rejecting what’s not and then defining your own ‘truth’, your own path forward.

Omerisms Podcast - Episode 67

This month kicks off 2021 with a few thoughts on mindset - and specifically getting our heads straight as we look forward to our goals and what we want to get done over the next 12 months.

Today's episode focuses on our belief systems, the boxes we tend to put ourselves in and how an interview with a famous classical musician reminded me of the need to think differently.