Based in Chicago, Omerisms is a blog by Omer Abdullah. His posts explore Ideas, perspectives and points of view across business, sales, marketing, life and (sometimes) football (the real kind).

"Pigs Get Fed..."

When the going’s good, it’s tempting to want more. 

Our stock picks are at all time highs, so surely they’ll keep going higher…

Or sales are booming, and in that euphoria, it’s tempting to prioritize revenue growth over profitability or innovation.

Those strategies might make sense at times, but not always. 

The real basis is to ask: what are we driven by? 

Are we driven by the fundamentals? Do they support our strategy, in light of market dynamics and competitive movements and personal risk levels?  

Or are we letting our emotions get the better of us? Are we fueled by the intoxication of success, and FOMO.

It’s helpful to know the rules that we’re operating by - and it’s helpful to set these rules before the going gets good. 

This way, we engage as needed, pursue when necessary, and exit when appropriate. 

As the saying goes, pigs get fed, hogs get slaughtered.

The Limits Of Our Ambition

The Limits Of Our Ambition

Omerisms Podcast - Episode 169

Omerisms Podcast - Episode 169