Based in Chicago, Omerisms is a blog by Omer Abdullah. His posts explore Ideas, perspectives and points of view across business, sales, marketing, life and (sometimes) football (the real kind).

The Limits Of Our Ambition

The Limits Of Our Ambition

A measure of ambition is a critical ingredient of success. We have to want what it is we’re after. 

But too much ambition is a turn-off - and I don’t just mean for others, but to ourselves especially. 

There’s probably many measures of this and we all have our own bar for what constitutes “too much”. For me, one of the most critical is when we calculate every interaction in terms of its payoff. 

How will it help me make a sale? How can this individual connect me to someone else of value? What’s the economic benefit of this relationship?

Our rationalization is that none of this is noticeable but the reality is that it is. In fact, over time, it’s as if our intent is emblazoned on our forehead. And this reputation begins to precede us. 

Worse, it changes us and who we are. We become shallow and calculating. We don’t think beyond ourselves. We start to forget who we really are. 

Correcting for this can be a tough ask, especially if we’ve already lost ourselves down this path. 

But it’s necessary. Not just for others and how it looks. But more importantly for ourselves, and ultimately our own success. 

Omerisms Podcast - Episode 170

Omerisms Podcast - Episode 170

"Pigs Get Fed..."

"Pigs Get Fed..."