All in Learning

What Is Self-Esteem?

I’ve always held to the view that the root cause of poor behavior (towards others) is low self-esteem. That’s always made sense to me: if we don’t have enough self-confidence or belief in ourselves, how can we expect to accept others’ (differing) perspectives - and not react in some way?

Well, Adam Grant posited a somewhat different - perhaps a more nuanced - point of view, based on research published in journals such as Psychological Review.

Lessons In Sourdough

So, I realize I’ve come this late (it was a big thing during the pandemic) but recently, I’ve started making my own sourdough bread.

It’s a fascinating activity to take on - a much longer and much more involved process than I originally expected. From start to finish (i.e. from levain preparation to actual baked bread), it takes about 36 hours, because there are a number of steps to be followed, each with specific time requirements, particular results to be achieved at each step, and plenty of waiting in between.

You Never Run Out Of Runway

In his first letter to shareholders, Amazon CEO, Andy Jassy, wrote:

“In every business we pursue, we’re constantly experimenting and inventing. We’re divinely discontented with customer experiences, whether they’re our own or not. We believe these customer experiences can always be better, and we strive to make customers’ lives better and easier every day.

"Freedom Is Life's Great Lie"

Chris Brogan, a writer whose thinking I really admire, recently wrote about the idea of freedom and the struggle so many of us face between our decision to lead (which requires venturing into the unknown) or be led (where we’re told what we should be doing), especially when it comes to our work.

To illustrate this idea, he included in his most recent email (which I’d highly recommend you subscribe to), a quote from Loki, from the Marvel Comic Book Universe, as he subjugates a crowd of people:

StartUp Investing: Do The Numbers Matter?

One of the ways that my firm helps organizations is by forecasting commodity prices. That is, we study specific commodities (e.g. High Density Polyethylene) and, using both quantitative models as well as qualitative analysis, provide a view as to what will happen to the prices of those commodities 6 to 12 months out. It’s not a perfect science but it’s helpful in driving better decision making.

Every so often, I’ll have someone ask us for a detailed 24 month forecast. And every time, my answer is the same.

Nature Loads The Gun...

Nature loads the gun, nurture pulls the trigger. Or genes load the gun, lifestyle pulls the trigger.

I believe this phrase (using “genes” and “lifestyle” instead of “nature” and “nurture”) was first used in a research paper about obesity, but it applies to so many aspects of our lives. It speaks to the complexity of life, of how we might be oriented and what we might be able to influence.

It's Not Fair

“It’s not fair.”

Each and every one of us can recount situations where things didn’t go our way, for reasons that, in our minds, were less than equitable.

Not getting that promotion when we had the experience and the achievements. Losing out on that business opportunity when we’d done what the client asked for. Not making that investment when we had the chance (Bitcoin, anyone?).