All tagged Technology

What Is Art?

What is art?

Is it the physical artifact, the making of the physical artifact, or is it both?

Recently, Jason M. Allen won the Colorado State Fair’s annual art competition under the digital art category, by submitting a piece of work he created using an artificial intelligence program called Midjourney, a software that turns lines of text into hyper-realistic graphics.

Technology As The Panacea

We think of technology as the simple fix. If I simply bought this piece of software, I could get this work done so much more effectively. If only we implemented that new piece of tech, we’d get this billing process absolutely sorted.

Many times, though, when we actually get the funding, buy the tool and put the tech place, things don’t always go as planned.

The Thing About All This Technology

I’ve talked before about how technology has democratized access to the tools that help us create. This is as true in fields traditionally considered to be creative as it is in those that are more commercial. We have options in terms of how we do our work, how sophisticated we want its production to be, and where and when we distribute it.