All tagged Search for meaning

Is It The Idea Of It?

In one of the final scenes of the 1994 movie, ChungKing Express, the character “Cop 663” is at a Hong Kong bar called California, waiting for Faye, a girl he met while she’s been working at her cousin’s takeaway shop.

He’s been recovering from a break up and Faye, who’s trying to figure out who she is and what she wants in life, becomes enamored with him as he stops by every night for something to eat or drink. It's an unspoken (and somewhat strange) flirtation, until he finally asks her out on a date, asking her to meet him at California at 8 pm the next night, to which she agrees.

Lost In Translation

The movie, Lost In Translation, is a cinematic masterpiece. Perfectly paced, thoughtfully crafted and backed by the perfect soundtrack, it explores the idea of human connection, isolation and meaning in a way that is real and emotive without being cliched or preachy.

So much of how we experience in the movie - specifically how we interpret those scenes - is up to us. The karaoke scene with Bob (Bill Murray) singing More Than This.