All tagged Careers

Dealing With Ambiguity And Uncertainty

A while ago, a good friend of mine sold his company in what was regarded by all parties as a wildly successful outcome. In a little over a decade, he had taken it from an idea to a material, profitable entity, one that was valued enough to be bought out by a major industry player.

From the outside looking in, then, every decision he ever made looked to be validated…

The Case For Curiosity

There’s a quote attributed to the Portuguese writer, Saramego, that says, “old age starts where curiosity ends”.

When we’re young, we’re ‘naturally’ curious. We’re willing to try new things, take new paths and push ourselves (often to the point of discomfort). When we’re old, according to conventional wisdom, we seek comfort and contentment. We seek safety, and are willing to trade excitement - indeed, believe we’re required to trade it - in return.

Be an Idealist

When we're kids, we're limitless. We're idealists. We believe.

Fireman. Musician. Actor. Astronaut.

As we get older, we mature, we grow, we learn. We develop new skills, we focus, we get practical.