All tagged Learning to be better

Lessons In Sourdough

So, I realize I’ve come this late (it was a big thing during the pandemic) but recently, I’ve started making my own sourdough bread.

It’s a fascinating activity to take on - a much longer and much more involved process than I originally expected. From start to finish (i.e. from levain preparation to actual baked bread), it takes about 36 hours, because there are a number of steps to be followed, each with specific time requirements, particular results to be achieved at each step, and plenty of waiting in between.

"When You Know Better, Do Better..."

If you’ve been reading this blog for any period of time, you’ll have noticed that I usually comment or reflect on the most major events of the day in some sort of way, either explicitly or implicitly. But I haven’t really talked about the protests that have been taking place across the country (and indeed the world) over the last couple of weeks.

I’ve wanted to, but, the truth is, I’ve struggled with how to best comment and provide my perspective within the construct of this platform.