All tagged New Year Resolution

2022: The Easiest Position Not To Take

Well, it’s the end of another year and, for many of us, it’s that time when we reflect on the year just past and, more importantly, what we’d like to achieve in the one coming up.

I’ve been doing exactly that - considering all of the different goals I’d like to achieve and assessing what it will take to achieve them. This analysis - while hopeful in its intent - also brings up the inevitable:

Hey 2021, Can I Watch The Trailer First?

I was going to start this post with a comment about how crazy and unprecedented 2020 was, but then I realized that a) it would be cliched, b) I’ve already made that point in numerous posts over the last year and, c) it would be cliched.

Instead, I’m going to focus this post on two things - the things I’m proud I’ve been able to do on this blog over the last twelve months and then share a bit of my mindset for the coming twelve.

Omerisms Podcast - Episode 66

This month's podcast closes out the year with my thoughts on the COVID-19 pandemic that's absorbed all of us this year. I'll share my perspectives on how I've assessed this impact and how I interpret its impact going forward.

Today's podcast closes out the year with my thoughts on how 2020 and COVID-19 has forced us to rethink how we need to approach 2021 - specifically in terms of options and agility.

Fresh Starts

It’s the end of the year and about when we start thinking about 2021 and what our plans are for the New Year.

Some of these ideas that we’re considering are new - new hobbies we want to take on, new skills we’d like to develop, new ventures we’d like to create. The thrill and excitement of doing something we’ve never done before is intoxicating, something to really look forward to.

New Years And Starting Again

New years are always, conceptually at least, a time for new beginnings. A time to reboot and do all those things we didn’t get done last year (or the year before), that we’ve been meaning to do for so long and finally become who it is we really want to be.

As exciting as that prospect is, it also tends to come with no small amount of historical baggage: the stop-starts of prior years, the past attempts that didn’t last beyond the month, the changing personal circumstances that make specific choices harder than they would otherwise be.