All tagged Aspirations

Why Do We Want It In The First Place?

We have these conversations with kids every now and then.

When they decide they want something, they’ll determine all the different benefits of having it. Solid benefits that are passionately communicated.

But what isn’t so well reasoned out is whether they need the thing in the first place. They just know they want it because their best friend has one, or all the kids at school are talking about it.

Is It The Idea Of It?

In one of the final scenes of the 1994 movie, ChungKing Express, the character “Cop 663” is at a Hong Kong bar called California, waiting for Faye, a girl he met while she’s been working at her cousin’s takeaway shop.

He’s been recovering from a break up and Faye, who’s trying to figure out who she is and what she wants in life, becomes enamored with him as he stops by every night for something to eat or drink. It's an unspoken (and somewhat strange) flirtation, until he finally asks her out on a date, asking her to meet him at California at 8 pm the next night, to which she agrees.

Time Away From Old Friends...

The song “Born To Run” is probably one of, if not THE, most popular Bruce Springsteen songs ever. Written in 1974 and released in 1975, the song became famous as much for its lyrics as its “wall of sound”. Ostensibly, it’s a love song that, at its core, is about a young man’s desire to get out of Freehold, New Jersey, but, really, it’s about our desire for freedom, our passions and going after whatever we believe in.

It’s one of the most played songs by The Boss and it’s highly unlikely that anyone reading this hasn’t at least heard of the song. In fact, particularly in the days before digital media, when live radio was in its prime

New Years And Starting Again

New years are always, conceptually at least, a time for new beginnings. A time to reboot and do all those things we didn’t get done last year (or the year before), that we’ve been meaning to do for so long and finally become who it is we really want to be.

As exciting as that prospect is, it also tends to come with no small amount of historical baggage: the stop-starts of prior years, the past attempts that didn’t last beyond the month, the changing personal circumstances that make specific choices harder than they would otherwise be.