Based in Chicago, Omerisms is a blog by Omer Abdullah. His posts explore Ideas, perspectives and points of view across business, sales, marketing, life and (sometimes) football (the real kind).

A Few Things To Be Thankful For...

A Few Things To Be Thankful For...

Credit: Omer Abdullah

Credit: Omer Abdullah

As we celebrate Thanksgiving here in the US, I thought I’d take a moment to share some of the things that I’m thankful for in this strange year that has been 2020.

I’m thankful that I got to spend more time with my family, including my son who is a Junior at college. I once read that by the time your kids go to college, you will have spent about 80% of the time you’ll ever spend with them. This year, I got to unexpectedly (and happily) push that percentage up a few points. 

I’m thankful I got to spend a bit more time on my health which was, as anyone who knows me will tell you, well overdue. The time saved on my commute was spent putting a bit more effort in physically and that has been great. By the way, that doesn’t mean it’s been less painful, it just means I don’t have the excuse of “no time”! :-)

I’m thankful that I’ve been able to continue doing my work and moving that forward. The technology we have access to today is incredible and hence, work from home has been a bit of a revelation, one that’s lessened my previous skepticism of the idea. It appears that we can actually get work done. at home...

But last but not least, I’m thankful for you, the reader - thankful that you’ve continued to read these posts over the last four and a half years, thankful that you’ve taken the time and shared your feedback.

I hope you have a great holiday season. Happy Thanksgiving!



Omerisms Podcast - Episode 61

Omerisms Podcast - Episode 61